Monday, August 15, 2011

da bee has flew far far away

luks like da bee has flew pretty damn far..its been ages since i last update dis blog..y?..lost of connection n quite lazy n also fresh out of ideas to write..but in kl now..just drove back from melaka..oh..n yeah..happy ramadhan everyone (whoever u r)..another couple of weeks left n hari raya here we come! there's not much of a preparation going on so far..just da usual thing..baju raye pn x beli kot dis doesnt matter though..yg pnting da celebration kn??..hell yeah! yer will be my ultimate hari raya coz im gonna celebrate it wif another special someone in my life..hehehe..

Monday, July 4, 2011

page under construction

page under construction (not like anyone cared)..still searching  4 a background n maybe other stuff 2 stuffed in da blog

Friday, July 1, 2011

oh blog ku

dh lame giler ak tgl blog ni since dh lme x on9..byk sgt bnde yg happen tp bile tgn dh berada atas keyboard ni blur la plak..hahaha..anyway..bln puase is juts around da corner..ingtkn dis year nk la pki kebaye nyonya yg ade kt melake 2..tapi.........................x menjadi bole pki!!..huuu..sooo skng tgh fkr bju ape la ak nk pki raye ni..bju kurung??..xle..srung cnfirm xle pki..jubah??..haha..xpnh2 ak pki jubah wey...

another problem im facing is clothes..since my body is getting bigger n bigger every single clothes r getting smaller n ak xda bju nk pki..nk bli tp xda yg sesuai plak..ade yg ok tp hrga mahal sgt..x berbaloi la plak kn..coz im only wearing it until da end of dis year..arrghhhh..DILEMA!